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Teaching: About


Sharing weight, giving, receiving, listening, being aware. Being in and out of contact, trusting, allowing your body to leave the floor, to levitate, to float. How does releasing and contracting help and hinder my effort to lift or support? I am interested in sharing and researching the way two bodies are able to connect, focusing on sensitivity and listening to our body and that of our partner. Problem solving and playfulness are the best ways to learn and experience. How can we overcome obstacles created by different body types? 

Teaching: Image
Teaching: Pro Gallery

Moving with Water

A voice led, movement imrpovisation workshop, part of the Online Lacuna festival 2020. The workshop is based on my ongoing research. The theme of the workshop is water, its qualities, its texture and how these elements can inform our movement and connection with our body. Free for all ages and capabilities, regardless of previous movement experience. A fun, relaxing and energising workshop aiming to deepen our understaning of our body, our connection with our breath and our movement abilities.

Teaching: Image
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